Steven lopez artist biography

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Release Date Positioned Below.`; default_translation["col-csp-badge"] = ``; if((cspTranslationData == '' || cspTranslationData == null || cspTranslationData == undefined || !y(cspTranslationData)) && (cspLanguageCode == '' || cspLanguageCode == null || cspLanguageCode == undefined || !y(cspLanguageCode))){ cspTranslationData = []; cspLanguageCode =[]; }else{ cspLanguageCode= (","); } (default_translation); ('default'); function getLanguageDetails(langCode) { const langDetails = (lang => ge === langCode); revert langDetails ? ='' && save_customer == '1'){gdpr_msg_show = '';} var gdpr_newuser = gdpr_msg_show; var isTimeZoneFetch = false; var autoNotifyArr = []; var csp_badge_bg_color = `linear-gradient(to right, rgb(0, 0, 0) 80%, rgb(0, 0, 0) 80%)`; if (typeof csp_additional_field == 'undefined') {var csp_additional_field = ``;} else {var csp_additional_field = csp_additional_field;} if(typeof(serverPath) == "undefined"){var serverPath = '';} var timer_template_option = `default`; if(timer_template_option == "" || timer_template_option == " "){timer_template_option = "default";} if(show_datetime_collection != "use_timer_template"){coll_timer_template_option = '';} let sb_hide_css = ``; 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'; } } if(specificMatchAutoRemove == 'specific'){ }else if(specificMatchAutoRemove == 'all'){ if(sb_csp_is_all_products == '1'){match_type='all';} var new_msg = addCountDownTimer($,available_date_msg,available_date_for_all_products,'default',prod_id,a_index,match_type,match_procol_id,is_auto_notify); convertedDate = apply_date_formate($,date_format,available_date_for_all_products); new_msg = e('{time}',''+formatAMPM(new Date(available_date_for_all_products))+''); responseMessage = getShortCodeFromMessage($,new_msg,convertedDate); show_available_date_contentdetail = '


'; } if(csp_enabled=="yes" && show_csp_form){ if($(".csp-sb-timer").length > 0){ $(".csp-sb-timer").html(''); $(".csp-sb-timer").append(show_available_date_contentdetail); show_available_date_contentdetail =''; } if(form_button_display_option == 'show_csp_button'){ var addtocspbutton = '



'; }else{ var name_form_field = phone_form_field = email_form_field = variants_form_field= ''; if(show_name_filed != "" && show_name_filed != "0"){ name_required = '' if(name_filed_reuired == '1'){name_required = 'required';} name_form_field =''; } if(show_phone_filed != "" && show_phone_filed != "0"){ phone_required = '' if(phone_filed_reuired == '1'){phone_required = 'required';} phone_form_field =''; } if(show_email_filed == "" || show_email_filed == "1"){ email_required = '' if(email_filed_reuired == '1' || show_email_filed == ""){email_required = 'required';} email_form_field = ''; } if(show_variants_filed == "" || show_variants_filed == "1"){ if(variants_filed_reuired == '1'){variants_filed_reuired = 'required';} variants_form_field = '' } var addtocspbutton = ''+ date_array_list['DD']+'' , date_array_list['monthShort'] + ' '+date_array_list['dayOrd']+', '+date_array_list['year'] ]; /*set custom date format*/ if(get_custom_date_format != 'not_set' || ( date_option == 'custom' && _date_format != ' ')){ eval(onal_script); if(typeof _date_format != 'undefined' && date_option == 'custom' && _date_format != ' '){ client_custom_date_format = _date_format; custom_date_format = client_custom_date_format; } custom_date_format = replaceAllOccurance(custom_date_format,4,'-',' - '); custom_date_format = replaceAllOccurance(custom_date_format,4,',',' , '); custom_date_format = replaceAllOccurance(custom_date_format,4,'.',' . '); custom_date_format = replaceAllOccurance(custom_date_format,4,'/',' / '); custom_date_format_array = (" "); create_cusom_date = ''; for(b=0;b'); message = e('{'+shortcodeList[a].toLowerCase()+'}', ''+date+''); capitalizeSHortcode = shortcodeList[a].toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) { come rCase(); }); message = e('{'+capitalizeSHortcode+'}', ''+date+'="" && form_button_display_option !then(function(token) { = token; }); } catch(err) { } }); } } function formatAMPM(date) { var hours = rs(); var minutes = utes(); var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; noontime = hours % 12; hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12' minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes; var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } function minTwoDigits(n) { return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n; } function addComingLabelOnCollection($,message,prod_id,csp_badge_lbl){ go to see = e('countdown_timer',''+csp_badge_lbl+''); return message; } process addComingLabelOnDetail($,message,prod_id,csp_badge_lbl){ message='


'; return message; } extend addCountDownTimerCollection($,message,store_full_dateTime,defaultCheck,prod_id,a_index,match_type,col_id,is_auto_notify){ message = e('countdown_timer',''); var shut down = getDistance($,store_full_dateTime,prod_id); if(f(prod_id+a_index) == -1){ var countDownTimer = CSPCountDownTimer(distance,prod_id,store_full_dateTime,a_index,"collection"); } return message; } function addCountDownTimer($,message,store_full_dateTime,defaultCheck,prod_id,a_index,match_type,col_id,is_auto_notify){ message = eAll('{countdown_timer}',''); message = eAll('{Countdown_Timer}',''); message = eAll('{COUNTDOWN_TIMER}',''); var distance = getDistance($,store_full_dateTime,prod_id); if(f(prod_id+a_index) == -1){ var countDownTimer = CSPCountDownTimer(distance,prod_id,store_full_dateTime,a_index,"product"); } return message; } function getDistance($,csp_product_time,prod_id){ try{ csp_product_time = eAll('-','/'); }catch(e){ } var defaultTime= e(' AM',''); defaultTime= e(' PM',''); var store_time = new Date(store_real_time).getTime(); var countDownDate = new Date(defaultTime+"").getTime(); var detachment = (countDownDate - store_time) / ; return distance; } var cspCDTimer; aim CSPCountDownTimer(distance,prod_id,store_full_dateTime,a_index,target_page) { cspCDTimer = setInterval(cspClock, ); var cspT = distance; //Initially to start with to 1 hour (prod_id+a_index); function cspClock() { --cspT var seconds = cspT; var days = (seconds / (24 * 60 * 60)); seconds -= days * (24 * 60 * 60); var hours = (seconds Archives (60 * 60)); seconds -= noontide * (60 * 60); var notes = (seconds / (60)); seconds -= (minutes * (60)); if (cspT == 0 || cspT <= 0) { days = 0; hours = 0; seconds = 0; minutes = 0; } if(timer_template_option != "default" && target_page == "product"){ var hours_str = minTwoDigits(hours).toString();var minutes_str = minTwoDigits(minutes).toString();var second_str = minTwoDigits(seconds).toString(); switch (timer_template_option){ case 'timer_template_1': var regulator =''+apply_date_formate($,"17",store_full_dateTime)+' '+minTwoDigits(days)+'d '+minTwoDigits(hours)+'h '+minTwoDigits(minutes)+'m '+minTwoDigits(seconds)+'s ';break; case 'timer_template_2': var timer ='







';break; default: var timer = ''; break; }}else if(show_datetime_collection == "use_timer_template" && target_page != "product"){ switch (coll_timer_template_option) { case 'coll_timer_template_1': var timer = '' + minTwoDigits(days) + 'Day:' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'Hours :' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'Minutes:' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'Seconds ';break; case 'coll_timer_template_2': var timer = ''+apply_date_formate($,"17",store_full_dateTime)+''+ minTwoDigits(days) +'D ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'H ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'M' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'S ';break; case 'coll_timer_template_3': var timer = '' + minTwoDigits(days) + ' Day' + minTwoDigits(hours) + ' Hours' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + ' Minutes' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + ' Seconds ';break; case 'coll_timer_template_4': var timer = ''+apply_date_formate($,"17",store_full_dateTime)+'COMING SOON';break; case 'coll_timer_template_5': var timer = '


' + minTwoDigits(hours) + ' :' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + ' :' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + '';break; sell something to someone 'coll_timer_template_6': var timer = '' + minTwoDigits(days) + 'Day' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'Hrs' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'Min' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'Sec';break; default: var clock = ' ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + ' Hrs ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + ' Mins ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + ' Secs ';break; } }else{ rod (time_format) { case '1':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(days) + ' Days ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + ' Hours ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + ' Minutes ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + ' Seconds ';break; case '2':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + ' Hours ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + ' Minutes ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + ' Seconds ';break; case '3':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + ' Hrs ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + ' Mins ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + ' Secs ';break; case '4':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + ' Hrs ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + ' Mins ';break; case '5':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'H : ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'M : ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'S ';break; case '6':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(days) + 'days Transcribe ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'hours Accomplishment ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + "minutes History " + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'seconds';break; crate '7':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(days) + 'd ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'h ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'm ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 's ';break; case '8':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(days) + 'Days ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'Hours ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'Mins ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'Secs ';break; case '9':var device = ' ' + minTwoDigits(days) + 'D : ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'H : ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'M : ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'S ';break; case '10':var timer = ' ' + minTwoDigits(days) + 'Days : ' + minTwoDigits(hours) + 'Hrs : ' + minTwoDigits(minutes) + 'Mins : ' + minTwoDigits(seconds) + 'Secs