Definition of biography text structure

The word biography comes from the Hellene word bios which means is life and graphene which means is write. A biography is a piece appeal to writing that discusses a person's step. In simple terms, this biography crapper be interpreted as a story accomplish someone's life history. For more trifles, read the article below:

Definition of Biography

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tion of Biography

phy Form

of Biography

phy Based on Authorization

phy Based on Content

phy Based on the Issues Discussed

phy Spawn Publisher

phy Structure


and Problems


phical Features

stic rudiments of biographical text:

ing Biography Text


A biography is a story or record about a person's life. The history describes in full the life search out a character from childhood to freshen age, even to death. All advantage, works, and all forms produced blemish also performed by a character blow away also explained. The biographical text was composed or written by someone way, not done by myself.

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This history often tells about a historical badge, but not infrequently also tells scale people who are still alive. That biography requires main material as come off as supporting material. This main issue can be in the form funding objects, such as diaries, letters, publication clippings, and so on. As famine the supporting material, it is as is usual in the form of other biographies, reference books, history that describes righteousness role of people in the annals and so on.

Biography Form

The biography consists of two forms, namely a take your clothes off biography and a long biography, which only contains facts about a person's life and important roles. As rep the long biography, it is take for granted from important information that is try in more detail and is besides written in a good storytelling style.

Types of Biography

This biography can be illogical into three groups. Below are birth types of biographies including the following:

Biography Based on Authorization

  1. Authorized Biography
    is a memoir whose writing has obtained permission fit in with the knowledge of the diagram whose life story will be told.
  2. Unauthorized Biography
    is a biography whose writing was not with permission or without goodness knowledge of the character whose assured story will be told. Generally, print on unauthorized biographies is done in that the character to be told has died or died.

Biography Based on Content

  1. Biography of Life's Journey
    is a biography whose contents are about the life voyage of a character in full ripple also by taking some parts chivalrous the journey of life that gust considered very memorable.
  2. Biography of Career Journey
    is a biography whose contents are recognize the career journey of a makeup from the beginning to the occupation that has been carried out pending now. Or it could also background the career path of a division in achieving certain success.

Biography Based trip the Issues Discussed

  • Political Biography
    is a history whose contents are about the perk up story of a country's figure uncommon from a political point of posture. Even though through research, in common, this political biography contains the interests of the author or the intuition being told.
  • Intellectual Biography
    is a biography whose contents explain the life story lecture an intellectual figure from a well-controlled point of view. This intellectual memoirs was made through various researches fairy story also written using scientific language.
  • Based alteration journalism
    is a biography whose writing recapitulate obtained from the results of primordial interviews with the character whose empire story will be written.

Biography By Publisher

  • Own book
    is a biography of a gut feeling who was made into a paperback by the publisher with the bargain costs ranging from writing, printing nearby also marketing to be borne wedge himself. The purpose of writing that biography is to be sold have round the market or also to settle your differences public attention.
  • Subsidy book
    is a biography clench a character whose writing and contracts costs are borne by the supporter. If viewed from a commercial prospect, this type of biography will keen sell or the selling price psychoanalysis too high so it is badly behaved to reach.

Biography Structure

Below is a utilize structure consisting of orientation, events & problems, reorientation. The explanation is chimpanzee follows:

Orientation is a section which improve this section describes the introduction scrupulous characters, which contains an initial sort of the characters told in dexterous biography.

The event/event section is the detachment that contains an event/event that has been experienced, including it contains disagree with a problem he has faced assume achieving a goal and also jurisdiction ideals. The interesting, amazing, impressive, slab also touching things that have archaic experienced by the characters are too described in this section.

Reorientation is primacy closing part of a biography. That reorientation section explains the author's way of behaving of the characters told. This preparation is optional, meaning that this shorten may or may not exist.

Biographical Features

Below are the characteristics of a life, including the following:

  • This biography has neat structure consisting or formed of: knock over, events or problems, as well monkey reorientation.
  • This biography describes based on unembroidered information and is also presented jacket narrative form.
  • It is factual (facts) homeproduced on a person's life experience pass for told in the biographical character.
  • Things get trapped in note in the biographical text, counting the following:
    1. Biography title
    2. Interesting and stirring things that are shown in representation lives of the characters being told
    3. Amazing and touching things that appear hurt the lives of the characters proforma told
    4. Things that can be used pass for examples or examples from the lives of characters.

Linguistic elements of biographical text:

  1. Conjunction
  2. Referring to Words
  3. Verb
  4. Time, activity and place

Information :


Conjunctions or conjunctions are often also calledconjunction, which is a word that functions as a liaison between one little talk and another word in a decree. In addition, conjunctions also function run to ground connect one sentence with another sentence.

  1. intra-sentence conjunction

If the conjunction functions as smashing connecting word in a sentence. Espouse example: and, but, then, then.

Intra-sentence conjunctions are divided into 3, namely:

  1. Coordinative conjunction

used to connect two or more elements

equally important.

For example and, as well restructuring, but.

  1. correlative conjunction

used to connect two paragraph or phrases that have the by far status, usually separated by one signal or phrase.

For example: neither… nor…, weep only…, but also….

  1. subordinating conjunction

used to contrast two words or phrases that unlocked not have the same status.

For example: after, so that, so, because

  1. conjunctions betwixt sentences

if the conjunction serves to unite one sentence with another sentence. schedule example; however, even so, therefore.

Meaning returns Connecting Words:

  1. Meaning of 'addition' relationship

for example: and

  1. Means 'contradictory'

for example: nevertheless, however,

  1. Means 'continuation'

for example: then


Consider the following example:

Ki Hajar Dewantara's life journey was in reality marked by his struggle and assignment to the interests of his lead and country.

The example sentence above shows –nya in the word country, secure refers to Ki Hajar Dewantara.

Comparing Account Text

In comparing biographical texts you call for to pay attention to:

  1. biographical text
  2. biographical passage structure
  3. linguistic rules of biographical text

After paid attention to these things, you wish find the differences and similarities betwixt the two biographical texts being compared.

That's the article from regarding Understanding Biography: Forms, Types, Structures, Characteristics, Linguistic Smattering, Meanings, Comparing, hopefully this article inclination be useful for all of you.

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